Check of Top Feeders

Noon.  Sunny, slightly breezy, 45°.  The Gypsy Queen and Bonanza Queen colonies had just a few bees out and foraging for water at the birdbath.

I checked the top feeders on all four hives.  It looked like the sugar had not been touched since I last refilled them.  It also looked like the water containers had not been touched.

I could see live bees through the vent holes of the top feeders on both the Gypsy Queen and Bonanza Queen hives.  No evidence of life in the Gold Bug and Golden Wonder hives.

The Gypsy Queen top feeder:



The Bonanza Queen top feeder:



The Gold Bug top feeder (no live bees evident):


The Golden Wonder top feeder (no live bees evident):


A beauty on the birdbath:


11:00am.  Mostly sunny, breezy, and 56°.  Both the Gypsy Queen and Bonanza Queen colonies had bees flying and foraging for water at the bird bath.  The Gypsy Queen was the most active by far, however.
